Recently while visiting friends in London, we made some tasty baked potatoes. If i had an oven in Singapore I'd eat a whole lot more baked potatoes, but sadly I do not have access to oven facilities. Therefore this will just be reminiscing till I get an oven one day in the future....
This is pretty simple so I won't even write a ingredient list or step-by-step guide to it. Simply bake the potato however you like and put the prawn cocktail on top. Since everyone has their own method I'll just leave it to you to do it anyway you like. Whether you want to throw it on the middle tray of the oven and wait somewhere between 40 minutes to a few hours or when you've gone insane with hunger.... or if you just nuke it in the microwave after poking holes innit with a fork. Keep the prawn cocktail in the fridge up till the very last moment so its really cold. And remember to butter up your potato before you slap on the prawn cocktail.

"Can I really taste the difference?" You may be asking yourself. The answer, where store-bought prawn cocktails are concerned, surprisingly, is YES. Similar taste tests have been done with Sainsburys basics like butter and vodka and other daily consumables, and most of the time the basics do not fare too badly compared with the premium version. But not for prawn cocktails.If you must buy pre-made prawn cocktails then you must go for the best... this "taste-the-difference" version has apparently got traces of anchovies in it and other exotic brown sauces innit. As opposed to just mayonnaise with a bit of pink in it.